I did save my favorite “grateful” for last, largely because I don’t quite know how to put into words how much he means to me.
We’re very different. He’s much more conservative than I am–okay, that may not be clear from the picture, but it was for a Halloween party a long time ago, but I couldn’t resist! And we have wildly different views on many topics. We have heated discussions health topics and the statistical significance of different studies, the use of control groups and relative study power (I wish I was kidding here, but alas, no). More often than not, we have polar opposite interpretations. We’ve been together more than 13 years, and we’ve both changed and grown a lot during that time.
What hasn’t changed at all is that we love each other, and usually like each other, too.
No matter what, I know that Mr. Dude will come through for me and be there for me when I need him, even if he doesn’t agree with me. I know he’ll love me and support me, and that has been my North Star. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that no matter what, he’s got my back. It’s like having a cushy cloud to land on. It seems like he’s been with me for as long as I can remember, and I sometimes forget to express my gratitude to him because he feels like a part of me.
It’s very un PC to “need” someone, and it certainly wasn’t in my plan to be depend on anyone. But because of health stuff, I did (and do) need him, and he’s been right by my side, doing his best. I don’t know if I could stay as patient as he (usually) does.
He’s also the papa of my kittehs, which counts for a lot, too.
I’m grateful for his love, his sense of humor, his compassion, his integrity, his kindness and that he loves my cooking. And his hugs! He gives the most awesome hugs.
Wow. I can’t believe I’ve kept up the gratitude blogging for 31 days, more or less, for the December Sanity Retreat! This week’s hostess is Valerie of City Life Eats and she posted on getting more present with reflection and breathwork. Hop on over to comment on her post and be entered to win a Nuts.come $50 gift cert!
Posts so far:
- Valerie’s Kickoff post
- Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl’s Seeking Joy
- Eat Recycle Repeat’s Joy to the World
- Ginger Lemon Girl’s Seeking Joy Every Day
- Day 1: Gratitude
- Day 2: Grateful for Genghis Khat
- Day 3: Grateful for amazing people
- Day 4: The roundabout road to gratitude
- Day 5: Grateful for beautiful weather
- Day 6: Grateful for New Experiences
- Day 7: Grateful for Local Apples
- Day 8: Grateful for Acts of Kindness
- Day 9 & 10: Grateful for Everyday Miracles
- Day 11: Grateful for Resilience
- Day 12: Ah, Grateful
- Day 13: Peaceful Day
- Day 14: Grateful for Pomegranates
- Day 15: Grateful for Interweb goodness
- Day 16: Grateful for Snuggle time
- Day 17: Grateful for Crackers
- Day 18: Grateful for Flowers and Fun
- Day 19: Grateful for Beauty
- Day 20: Grateful for Chocolate
- Day 21: Beautiful Day and Tree Gratefuls
- Day 22: Grateful for Tomorrows
- Day 23: Grateful for Houdini
- Day 25: Grateful for peaceful moments
- Day 26: Grateful for a beautiful Christmas
- Day 27: Grateful for the power of a dream
- Day 28: Grateful for my nephews
- Day 29: Not really gratefuls
I’m delighted to be joined by wonderful hostesses with likeminded blogs:
- Kickoff: Gluten Free Goodness (moi)
- Dec 7th Kate of Eat, Recycle, Repeat
- Dec 14th Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl
- Dec 21st Valerie of City Life Eats
- Roundup: Gluten Free Goodness (moi)
Mr. Dude has grown long hair?! Now that’s a surprise. This is a funny photo, Cheryl, since you seem to be looking rather stoically, albeit with a smile, at the camera and he’s looking at you very playfully. Sweet post overall! Yay for our other halves who often complement us, and can make us a bit crazy when they don’t agree with us, but who can also be our lifelines!
Mr. Dude is growing his hair out for locks of love, so it’s temporary and for a good cause. He’s taking a lot of teasing at work, but I kinda like it!