And the winner is….

First, the winner!  I’m delighted to say that a long time Internet buddy, Brenda Lee, won the goodies.  Congrats, Brenda Lee!  For those of you who don’t know her, she’s the list mom for the GFCF yahoo group, one of the most knowledgeable people on the GF diet and baking that I’ve EVER met (and that’s saying a LOT!) and an all-around fabulous gal.

So many people asked about Salba and chia that I’ve linked to 2 articles I wrote for the Gluten Intolerance Group (great group, BTW!) Hopefully that’ll clear up a few questions.

Baking with Chia

Chia: A GF superstar

Here’s also a list of my recipes that use Chia or Salba.

Banana Mac Chip Cookies (GF, CF, EF, SF, low sugar and vegan)

Black Sesame Whole Grain Bread (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan option)

Carrot Muffin Cakes (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan option)

Brazil Nut Brownies (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)

Nanaimo Bars Redux (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)

Turkey Garden Burgers (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free)

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to And the winner is….

  1. Brenda-Lee says:

    aw, blushing. Thank you Cheryl. I can’t wait to try the salba in eggless recipes.

  2. Ricki says:

    I just love Salba (or chia)! It’s my new egg replacer in almost all the recipes I’m developing! Looking forward to trying some of your goodies, too. 🙂

  3. Shellyfish says:

    Congrats Brenda Lee! I didn’t actually enter since I’m in France! 🙂 I can’t find Chia seeds where I live, but I keep asking for them at the coop, so maybe they’ll give in 🙂

  4. James says:

    Hi, I found your blog on this new directory of WordPress Blogs at I dont know how your blog came up, must have been a typo, i duno. Anyways, I just clicked it and here I am. Your blog looks good. Have a nice day. James.

  5. Kay says:

    And here’s a random question – I’ve been expanding my horizons and wanted to try some ground turkey. EVERY package said it contained “flavoring.” Since I didn’t know the ingredients in the flavoring, I passed. We have similiar allergy lists. You don’t have any problems with ground turkey from the grocery store?

  6. Kay says:

    Oops! I thought I left a comment, but I don’t see it.

    I finally completed the meme you tagged me for back in June. I’ve had a post-it next to my computer screen to remind me FOR THREE MONTHS!

    Thanks for inviting me to play!

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