Sincere Gratitudes and a Meal Plan

I am overwhelmed with the good things in my life!  The Celiac Disease Videos are out this week, I have a posting of a video I did on “Let’s Talk Live” on Gluten Sensitivity.  But by far and away, I am so grateful that we’ve found a wonderful house to life in.

Those who follow my blog a bit know I have my share of physical challenges, and buying a 2 or 3 floor house was scary gamble for me.  And yet as always, we were able to find a house that I love–and one where I can be realistic about my body’s needs and be surrounded by beauty, too.  Hiking used to be my favorite thing, and every week in grad school, I was off to find new parks and trees to make friends with.  Well, now I have a wonderful house surrounded by beautiful old trees.  If I can’t easily go to the forest, the forest can come to me.  I feel so lucky to have kept the things that are so core to my heart and soul despite everything, and I am so grateful for my husband’s support in making this possible.

And of course, there should be plenty of room for a big garden, too.  The gorgeous trees will limit some of the sun, but it’ll work and I’m sure we’ll have wildlife to share with as well.

Now someone just needs to tell our feline contingent that the mad house rush is almost over and as soon as we move, it’s time to come out from hiding under the covers. Hopefully we’ll move mid-June.

Our kind hostess is Heather of Celiac Family. She’s chosen rice, and I’m allergic. Bummer. And I do keep rice around because my husband eats it, and it’s a common ingredient in many recipes I’ve been asked to test, but I get a worse reaction from it than almost anything but gluten.

On to food! We’ve got to empty the freezer ASAP.

Rosemary beef stew with veggies

Baby greens and Kalamata hummus

freezer inventory–I know we have a chicken, and I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

assorted frozen foods…

Halibut with Kale Pesto

And if you haven’t seen my newsletter on a gluten-free and vegetarian diet, or my Cinnamon Glazed Walnuts, do check them out. I also do need a host for the 23rd and will be out of town this weekend for a mediation retreat so please let me know early.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Sincere Gratitudes and a Meal Plan

  1. Pingback: A Week of Gluten-Free Dinners - Rice

  2. Hooray for the videos. I know you worked hard on that project. Hooray for the house in the woods and being surrounded by nature. I sometimes whine about living in the middle of nowhere, but it does have a grounding, nurturing effect to be surrounded by trees. Your poor kitties do have a good coping strategy. Hiding under the covers is one of my favs. Sending happy, energy your way this week!

  3. That Kalamata Hummus is calling to me this week, but I don’t have the beans. Darn! Gotta go shopping.

  4. Congrats on your videos, Cheryl! I know they will help many. 🙂 Congrats, too, on the new house! I sooo love living “in the woods” and know you will, too. When hubby and I have dinner on our screened porch, we watch birds, squirrels, deer, etc. We joke that it’s better than tv, and it really it is. 😉 The down side is not having stores nearby, but I much prefer the former than the latter. Oh, and such a funny photo of your hidden kitty! LOL


  5. So happy for you that the videos are out (you will be helping so many- woo!) and your new wooded home that is just right for you. Sending you big hugs as you settle in and calm you kitties. 🙂

  6. I feel so loved!
    Wendy–thanks, can’t wait to post the videos and thanks for your editorial support.
    Heather–I love that hummus!
    Shirley–actually somehow we hit the jackpot–woods AND stores a few miles away.
    Angela–thanks! things may be a bit ‘fun’ until we move mid June w/inspectors and such, but it’s nice to have a direction and a lovely one at that!

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