Menu Plan Monday: Greens

Happy Monday!

What a crazy week of scrambling and busyness it’s been.  I spoke to the VA Dietetics Association Annual Meeting on eating a healthy gluten-free diet on Monday, which was just lovely.  I posted an adoption of Elana’s wonderful recipes, and I also posted on self-care and putting “me first”.  I also posted an April roundup of gluten-free news.

And we cleaned.  And scurried around.  And I made chocolate banana bread…mmm….The date our house is on sale was pushed back a week to this Thurs (wanna buy a house?).  So I will have to be very mindful about the amount  of kitchen “mess” I generate this week & in the future.

As you can see above, some of my kale from last year is still alive and well. (yes, this is real time! I took it this AM from my window, and you can see both the garlic shoots and kale) This fits in perfectly with Angela’s theme of greens! It seems like Angela has an adorable new badge, too! If you’d like to host the menu swap, please email me.


Kalamata chicken w/garlic and rosemary roasted cauliflower

Hummus on a bed of greens


Mahi w/Kale Pesto (or maybe quinoa? dunno)
(Wendy did a gorgeous review in her adoption)


Nightshade stew, hopefully with fennel


Baked goods:
I just don’t know. We’ll see. I’m overwhelmed at this point.

BTW, was chatting with Valerie about self-care. Is anyone interested in a blog carnival on it in May? Let me know in the comments.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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5 Responses to Menu Plan Monday: Greens

  1. That is SUCH a cool picture of your kale!! I REALLY need to attempt to grow some veggies soon. We have the space for it, and I just really need to make the effort! I love kale and I’ve never actually seen it growing, so that is just really neat to me! 🙂 Sending you hugs & good wishes this week and I hope your home gets sold very quickly!! I know how stressful a move & preparing for one can be!!

  2. BTW.. If you’d like to add me to the menu swap hosting rotation, I’d be glad to join! Will give me a good reason to stay motivated!

  3. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – April 11, 2011 | Angela's Kitchen

  4. Yummy menu, as always, Cheryl! I hope your house sells quickly and smoothly. I can’t believe your kale is so big already – lucky girl!

    I would be up for a self-care carnival in May. Very timely for us all. Let us know when you are planning it.

  5. The kale looks great. You are really working hard to nurture it well. And oh, chocolate banana bread is so delicious.

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