Peaches: Menu Plan Monday

I can’t believe it’s Monday…since we’re off and lounging around, it just dawned on me that it’s time to post.

It’s a funny time of year.  The last few days have been absolutely beautiful, and yet the chill in the air early in the morning is unmistakable.  It always hits me sometime in September that the summer isn’t going to last forever, and I have to savor every drop of my garden, the sunshine, and of course, the harvest bounty.

And so…this week was a week of celebrating summer!  Blueberry peach jam, oven roasted tomatoes, Shirley’s Blueberry Honey Pie, Thai Iced tea with macadamia cream…did I miss anything?

This week’s theme is peaches, and is hosted by Michelle of Gluten-free: A Reason to Smile (she formerly had the blog cooking and uncooking).  I’m pretty sure we’ll use our peaches raw, and in a peach crisp which I should be making for a class next Saturday in McLean on “Organic, Natural, Wild-Caught, Free-Range, Gluten-Free”: Are These Foods Really Improving My Health?”  I’m looking forward to it.

Grilled peppers and steaks

Lemony Mint Quinoa

Rosemary Salmon and garlicky broccoli

Hummus on a bed of organic greens with herby crackers


Fun treats:
Peach crisp, fig preserves…???

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Peaches: Menu Plan Monday

  1. Your reference to the Thai iced tea w/macadamia cream is KILLING me. Where can I find the recipe??

  2. Hi Chickie,
    sorry, no recipe. Thai tea is from our local Thai market, brewed until it’s nice and strong, then you add in stevia/sugar/agave whatever. Macadamia cream is equal portions of macadamia nuts and water, soaked overnight, or if you have a vitamix, just blended to smithereens. I tend to add in just a pinch of xantham, too, to make it a hair thicker.

  3. Pingback: Menu Swap – Peaches « Gluten Free: A Reason 2 Smile

  4. Michelle says:

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for the crisp idea, I’ve never been one for making those. All the more reason to make one now!

  5. cris says:

    was nosing around to see if any form of GF menu planning was going on and came across your page. Is there someone who heads this up? I need to get back on the wagon 🙂

  6. Cris, I head up the menu plan. the description is here Hope you can join us!

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