Menu Plan Monday July 28th

Gluten Free Menu Swap Monday - Coconut
This week’s ingredient is coconut. Yay! I LOVE coconut, particularly young coconut water. I have a Latino grocery store nearby, and they sell inexpensive coconuts, so they’re often in my cooking. Not only is there coconut in the super yummy secret dessert I’ll be posting for Daring Bakers soon, but there’s also coconut milk in my UNCOOKING recipe AND the coconut curry. Our host this week is M-elle of Cooking and Uncooking.

Speaking of which, you have until July 31st to post your “Uncooked” recipe for Go Ahead Honey, It’s GF (details here). I haven’t posted mine yet, because I made something that sounded like it would be awesome….and it was *okay*. I don’t like posting “eh” recipes, so I’ll be giving it another shot on Tues (fingers crossed).

AND I’m also hosting Adopt a GF blogger. Claim a blog now and post between July 28 – Aug 11!

Thai style
Turkey cutlets in a coconut curry sauce, probably with bok choy, broccoli and carrots

Vegan delight:
Quinoa Italiana (quinoa with tomatoes, kalamata olives, basil and more!) with broccoli raab and sauteed garlic
Uncooking: Peach ice cream! a dairy free delight.


Here fishy fishy:
Tilapia baked in parchment with a ginger sauce with TBD veggie

East Indian inspired:
Roasted garam masala chicken with roasted cauliflower with cumin seeds and papadams

Some kind of leftovers. TGIF!!

Garden harvest:
From my garden:
Thai hot peppers
ground cherries
green peppers
raspberries (maybe)

From the market:

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to Menu Plan Monday July 28th

  1. Angela says:

    You have a busy week! The cauliflower sounds really good. I am going to have to try that. Always looking for another way to do cauliflower.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Pingback: roasted cauliflower

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