Menu Plan Monday-Melons Aug 22nd

Hope everyone is enjoying the tail end of summer! We’ve got some tomatoes growning,

The deer came through and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.  Either that, or our neighbors like plant stems.

Last weekend I baked a bit.  I made Elana’s Chocolate Cupcakes from her cookbook and I made Betty Crocker brownies with a hazelnut filling and chocolate frosting.  What can I say, we were entertaining.  Both were excellent. I also posted a review for Gluten Free in Five Minutes.  If you’re a microwaving GF cook, this one is for you!

Heather of Celiac Family is our kind hostess this week, and she’s chosen melons.  I’m very sensitive to melons in a funny way.  I get dopey, I get drowsy, and *poof!* I’m asleep.  So there are no melons on our line up.

Onto the menu:


Quinoa and Kalamatas with sautéed mache and arugala (my new favorite)

Leftovers, I hope

Nightshade stew


White beans, pesto and broccoli

Leftovers or out to dinner. Either way, no cooking.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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4 Responses to Menu Plan Monday-Melons Aug 22nd

  1. Pingback: Gluten-Free Meal Plan - Melon

  2. Not that I’m encouraging you to eat melon, but it does sound like a healthy alternative to sleeping pills. 🙂 When ragweed season is in full swing, I get a slight reaction – oral allergy syndrome.

  3. Price of living in the trees= the deer! We have them also and they used to really like my roma tomatoes until my son and dad built me a protected fenced area. Fortunately for me, several of my neighbors grow what I call “deer salad gardens” (tee-hee) with all of a deer’s favorite plants, which keeps the deer away from my yard for the most part (but my poor neighbors have LOTS of stems…) I still like living in the trees, though. It is worth it! Hope you have a great week!

  4. Heather–I confess, I’ve done it!

    Angela–Seems like don’t eat pumpkins. Fingers crossed!

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