Menu Plan Monday March 7th-Celery!

What a whirlwind week!  I taught 4 classes, which were all fun, and we’ve been packing and reorganizing like mad.  I also won a book from Nicola, the G-free Mom, and am looking forward to finding it a new home. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend next weekend.

And…if you’re in the MD/DC/VA area, I’ll be presenting at DC Celiacs on March 19th in Bethesda, and I’d love to finally meet some of you in person!

I made Elana’s Banana Cupcakes as mini muffins and a mini loaf.  DH couldn’t get enough and essentially inhaled the loaf.  And I also (finally) got Amy’s new book!  I had ordered Amy’s and Elana’s book at the same time with free shipping so they held them both to ship together.  I’m delighted to finally have the book in hand and I think the cocoa roast almonds will be the first on my list to try.

Heather of Celiac Family is our hostess this week, and the theme is celery, which is pictured above from my garden last year.  I love celery, and tend to eat it in the least sexy way possible–stewed.  Generally, I’d say stewed veggies sound icky on principle, but I love it!  My favorite way is to throw in a chopped bunch without leaves, saute, add some broth and simmer, covered, for an hour with turkey or chicken bones for soup and smoked salt.  I’m not sure why I love it, but whatever works.

Onto the menu!
Nightshade stew

Coconut curry with kale and cauliflower

Sniffle stew (we’re healthy, though)

Fish…??? my favorite fish market went out of business so I’ve been a bit lost trying to find a good alternative.


Fun stuff:
Something from Amy’s book, for sure

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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4 Responses to Menu Plan Monday March 7th-Celery!

  1. Wow. We eat a ton of celery. Definitely going to try and plant some this year. Yours looks amazing! Writing my menu plan post now. ;-).

  2. I’ve never tried to grow celery. Maybe this year. Can’t wait to see what you try from Amy’s new cookbook.

  3. Sally says:

    I love normal celery but even more I love celeriac the root vegetable. It seems to have an earthier, richer flavor and I really love the texture of it diced. Easily obtainable in France but where I live in England it is quite uncommon. I am not sure that any celery is sexy however it is prepared… though you might know something I don’t!

  4. Bert says:

    Celeriac . . . had to look it up, sounds great, I love turnips.

    The sexy thing about celery is the “crunch” and the smell – so clean, they should make a celery perfume.

    The thing that works best though about celery in my world is the “portability” – celery makes it easy to get good veggies on the go.


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