Menu Plan Monday Sept 14th–Quinoa

M-elle of La Cocina de Michelle (aka Cooking & UNCooking) has picked one of my favorite most foods ever–quinoa! And it’s a perfect week for it, because when DH is out of town, I tend to eat mostly vegan fare. So a big thank you to M-elle!


It was a fun week in the kitchen. I’ve been intent on making a challah for Rosh Hashana, which is right around the corner. I tried, and tried, and tried to adapt one of my egg roll doughs for the process and repeatedly tried to make it into challah…but nope. Tasty bread, yes. Challah, no. So I caved in and tried Vic’s recipe. It seems to taste much more like challah. It’s hard to know for sure–I can’t try it because of the egg, and I’ve had trouble finding people who know what it’s supposed to taste like. But oh, it smells right, and I was totally tickled. I do have to work on the shape, though. It rose more than I expected.

I also posted a flourless chocolate torte this week, which is delightfully gluten, dairy and sugar free, and super yummy!


Salmon and fennel

Lemony mint quinoa with fresh tomatoes

Red lentil curry


Southwestern quinoa and beans

Rosemary chicken, asparagus and some yummy apple themed dessert

Baked goods:
agave sweetened caramel sauce with apples

Growing in my garden:
my tomatoes–despite the weather, they’re alive and happy. I think it’s ’cause I sing to them
herbs–basil, oregano, thyme, mint, rosemary, lemongrass, etc.

From the market:
asian pears

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Menu Plan Monday Sept 14th–Quinoa

  1. Cheryl-Do you rinse your quinoa? I was looking at your recipes and you toast the quinoa, which I’ve never tried and will soon. I always rinse it and then cook it.

  2. Wendy,
    I’ve tried both ways and it tastes the same, so I don’t rinse anymore. I’ve read that most brands are now pre-rinsed to get rid of the saponins.

  3. Pam says:

    Good looking menu and I love salmon!

  4. Thanks Cheryl. I will be toasting soon then.

  5. Jeff Bergman says:

    I really need to try an overall diet change like this. But where do you find the ingrediants for these different and wonderful recipes? They don’t all seem to be supermarket finds. Thanks.


  6. Jeff,

    If you give me an idea of what you’re looking for, I’d be happy to help you find things. Quinoa is now found more places, like trader joes, whole foods, wegmans, etc. and many Latino markets have it, too.

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