Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

Our fabulous host for this months’ Daring Baker challenge is Rosa of Rosa’s Yummy Yums. Our recipe this month is pizza! I was quite excited. I hadn’t had pizza in a LONG time, maybe 4 years or so, so I figured I was due. I was also determined to do a way that would work for me, and also a way that was semi-faithful to the recipe we were given. I’ve been SO busy lately, since we hosted a big pumpkin carving party last weekend, that this almost didn’t happen. My head GF taster was busy, and it seemed silly to cook a GF pizza for my glutenous DH. But I discovered that another friend has gone GF and was craving pizza, so the dishes are still in the sink as I type away, and this is just under the wire.

The great news is that the pizza challenge (as written) was quite successful! DH and Natalie pretty much inhaled the first one, and the second one vanished as well. Both gave glowing reviews, and DH is picky, so I know I can trust him. I even changed the flours to make it amylose free so I can share it with people that I work with, so I was very glad. It was very simple to make. Since I no longer have a baking stone, I opted to use the back of a cast iron skillet. It’s not the most graceful way to get the job done, but especially if you give it time to heat up, it does help the crust get nice and crispy. You could even pick up a piece and eat it like pizza!

My Cheryl-friendly pizza wasn’t so successful. I made a few attempts at a grain free, vegan and yeast free pizza for me. One was a socca pizza (YUM!) but it got overly soggy. I did, however, eagerly devour every crumb. The other was a vegan/grain free/yeast free foccacia-ish bread I was working on. It looked beautiful, and tasted awful. I finally realized I’d forgotten the lemon juice and the baking soda taste was quite prominent. Whoops! I will surely experiment with both in the future, though.

I did a half batch and used it for 2 pizzas instead of 3 as we were advised. The flour combo I used was 1/2 cup almond, 1/2 cup corn flour, 1/4 cup chestnut, 1/4 cup amaranth flour, 1/4 cup quinoa flour, and 1/2 cup corn starch.
I added herbs and minced onion to the crust, but aside from that, I followed the instructions as given.

What a nice treat to do something different! To see more, lovely pizza creations, check out my fellow Daring Bakers.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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18 Responses to Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

  1. VeggieGirl says:

    Gorgeous pizzas!!!

  2. Hannah says:

    Wonderful job, the pizzas look excellent. Perfect or not, they still sound delicious!

  3. alexa says:

    I am so glad it worked out so well for you and that it was delicious. It sounds delicious.

  4. Ricki says:

    Bravo for all those different pizzas! I’m so inspired by your creativity with alternative flours and recipes. They all look great!

  5. Megan says:

    WOW – you certainly covered quite a bit of territory with your pizza! Very inspiring and creative!

  6. Maggie says:

    Using the cast iron skillet in place of a piza stone is a great idea. Great job!

  7. Lauren says:

    Your pizzas look awesome! Great job!!

  8. sea says:

    Awww… love the cast iron pan idea. I’m sorry the Cheryl friendly pizza had mixed results- but it gave me a huge craving for a socca!


  9. Lynn says:

    Wow, how inventive. I would never have thought of using the back of a cast iron skillet. I know me, though, unless I had a big surface my pizza would have ended up on the bottom of the oven. Your pizzas sound terrific. Well done.

  10. Shellyfish says:

    I actually went over the wire this time…but who cares? We ate pizza! Love the cast iron idea, too – brilliant!

  11. Sheltie Girl says:

    Cheryl – Your pizzas look fabulous! I bet they had a wonderfully crispy crust using the cast iron skillet. Great idea!

    Natalie @ Gluten a Go Go

  12. Esther says:

    looks great. shall have to remember the skillet idea I used a baking tray and it was good but a crispier bottom would be even better.

  13. Jude says:

    No pizza for 4 years? I’d be foaming at the mouth? good thing the challenge this month got rid of your pizza drought.

  14. wow, these look awesome! I am always looking for new gf pizza recipes because I love pizza and miss it – especially when DH decided to get a regular one! I love the idea of using the cast iron skillet, and your flour combination looks very different from many I have seen. I’ll give it a go!

  15. Pingback: Menu plan monday Jan 11th « Gluten Free Goodness

  16. alyssa says:

    I am a bit lost… where do I access the link to the complete recipe?
    Sounds good!
    Aloha, Alyssa

  17. Jae says:

    I’m confused because you talked about attempting to make your pizza grain-free yet your recipe calls for corn flour and corn starch. Are you not aware that corn is a grain? Corn gluten is also a problem for many celiacs! Corn is also a GMO food! I’m surprised that you are using it having so many allergies and sensitivities, and being a nutritionist! Do you have any lingering health problems you can’t quite figure out? Check out as they have a wealth of information on all grains and the different types of glutens they contain as well as the multitude of health issues caused by consuming them!

  18. If you re-read the post, I had a socca (which contains garbanzo beans, olive oil and herbs) grain-free pizza because I avoid corn, and have for over 6 years. My husband does not avoid any foods, and he had a corn based pizza because I was trying to be as faithful as possible to the recipe–that’s the point of Daring Bakers challenges. And organic corn is NOT a GMO food.
    That looks like an interesting link, thanks for sharing.
    and I can say that I have many lingering symptoms–and eating a grain, GMO free, organic, sugar free, unrefined diet for 6 years has done little to change that.

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