Chai Breakfast Cake


Usually I’m not big into breakfasts.  Well, I was, ages ago, but since giving up most simple carbs and dairy and eggs…not so much.  A bowl of millet on occasion is quite delightful, but hands down, my favorite is Chai Breakfast Cake.  I haven’t posted it sooner simply because I always forget what I add in and change it around, but this time I was a good note taker.  And while I like it as is, I plan to try taking about the salba the next time around and see how the consistency changes.  As posted below, it has a sticky consistency that I like, but I think I’d like it the other

In addition to being a simply decadently delicious, vegan, sugar free treat, (and a good source of protein, too!) it’s also a perfect to bake up the night before, which can be challenging in gluten-free land.  So enjoy, and tell me what you think.

For those who are so inclined to play:

hazelnuts are delicious, cacoa nibs are heavenly, and I’m getting hungry!

3/4 cup strong chai tea
½ cup  agave
1 tsp almond extract
1 TBSP vanilla extract

3/4 cup uncooked quinoa flakes or quick cook GF oats
1 cup almonds
2 T cornstarch/arrowroot
2.5 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp stevia
1 heaping tsp cinnamon
1 heaping tsp ginger (use more for a spicier cake)
pinch cardamom
1 T ground Salba/chia
1/2 cup unsweetened flaked coconut

Grease a 8 inch round pan and pre-heat to 325.

Boil a cup of water, add in 3 bags of Chai tea and steep for a good 10 min or so.  Remove bags, measure out 3/4 cup.

Grind the almonds, and arrowroot in a food processor until you have a coarse ground meal, but no nut butter.  Add in the quiona flakes and pulse 30 seconds more.  Add salt, stevia, spices, and Salba and then the tea and agave and mix for 1 min.  Mix in coconut, allow the batter to stand 10 minutes.

Add batter to the pan and bake until browning on top and a toothpick comes out clean–mine took about 30 min but our oven has been temperamental so please do check as you go.


I will be submitting this to the Simply gluten and Sugar Free’s Slightly indulgent Tuesdays (although I think it’s more than slightly indulgent!)

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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18 Responses to Chai Breakfast Cake

  1. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday April 11th « Gluten Free Goodness

  2. Nina Babykarten says:

    Oh, I absolutely have to try this sounds delicious! 🙂

  3. This looks fantastic! I would love to make this, chai is so tasty!

    ~Aubree Cherie

  4. Christa says:

    Thanks for sharing gluten-free recipes! I’m a little confused…can this be made with regular quinoa, or are quinoa flakes needed? It looks so good and I’m looking forward to trying it!

  5. Nina,
    Let me know how this goes!

    I love Chai, too.

    I’ve only tried it with the flakes. I would imagine whole quinoa would absorb differently If you try it with regular quinoa, please do let me know how it goes

  6. Angela says:

    I am so excited to try this! I have cha-cha-cha-chia on the way to my house and can’t wait to work with it. Thanks for posting!

  7. Pingback: Recipe for Gluten Free, Sugar Free Slightly Indulgent Tuesday 4/20/10

  8. Hey Cheryl, I wanted to let you know I added this post to my weekly top ten recipe review! Thanks again for a great recipe! (I really really hope to try it :))

    ~Aubree Cherie

  9. Which stevia do you like to use?

  10. Alice Kelly says:

    i really love Cakes and i am always looking for some new cake recipes on the internet.`;~

  11. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday: Almonds | Gluten Free Goodness

  12. Pingback: A Gluten-Free Autumn Menu Plan | Gluten Free Goodness

  13. Pingback: Recipe for Gluten Free, Sugar Free Slightly Indulgent Tuesday - 4/13/10

  14. Emma says:

    Hey Cheryl. What are the alternatives for Stevia and Cardamon? I tried leaving them out and it didn’t turn out too good.

  15. Thanks for this. I have just been diagnosed with this allergy and this website is one of the best that I have come across in my search for inspiration. I will try this breakfast cake.


  16. Emma,
    Stevia is a sweetener. Without it, I would imagine it wouldn’t taste good at all! I’ve never made it with sugar so I’m not quite sure how you’d substitute.

  17. Andrea Smith says:

    Every time i visit this blog, I can’t help but get hungry when i look at the pictures! Just amazing stuff that you have over there… i wonder how I can keep up with my diet with all of these wonderful food in place!

    Andrea of 4thbeach wonder wheelers

  18. k says:

    I love the flavor of Chai, but am allergic to tea and anything chai. Any suggestions on substitutions to keep the flavors authentic? (I can’t have anything that is aged, fermented or mold).
    Thank you.

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