Menu Plan Monday, August 18th

Really, I’m in awe of my garden.  It starts so small and by August I have a jungle overrunning the bounds of the garden plot!  I still am learning about proper care, and much of the bounty is due to the nice rainy summer we’ve had.  At this point, I’m growing tomatoes, peppers, artichokes, watermelon, ground cherries, celery and a gob of herbs and a few berries. But isn’t it just lovely to see something go from a seed to something luscious you can eat?

DH is heading out of town part of the week, which frees me to play a bit more. I go through periods where I need more protein, and others where it doesn’t seem to matter. Lately, I’ve felt great when eating vegan, so I’m leaning that way when possible while balancing family harmony and time.

This week’s menu swap is hosted by Mary Francis of GF Cooking School.  Thanks for hosting!

My favorite arugala salad (I will probably post the recipe sooner or later!)
Oven roasted tomatoes

Kalyn’s Summertime the Tomato salad (minus the tuna)

Quick and easy
Millet crusted turkey cutlets with thyme, steamed artichokes in a lemony sauce

Freezer diving (vegan):
African Inspired Almond Collard stew

Buffalo burgers with marinated peppers from my garden!

Vegan/batch cooking
Tomato soup with caramelized onions

Baked good: this month’s Daring Baker challenge
and I also just finished making
David Lebovitz’ Chocolate Idiot cake with Valrona shavings (GF, but NOT dairy or egg free…birthday cake for a friend)

I’m also working on GF, vegan, yeast free, sugar free hamburger buns/rolls. They’re getting better, but are not ready for prime time yet…

Garden harvest:

From my garden:
Red and green peppers
ground cherries

From the market:

corn (for DH)

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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11 Responses to Menu Plan Monday, August 18th

  1. VeggieGirl says:

    GORRRRGEOUS garden; and delicious menus! 🙂

  2. Ricki says:

    Your garden looks amazing! I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well my one tomato plant and one jalapeno plant are doing (also courtesy of the rain, I’d wager), but have no idea about garden maintenance. Can’t wait to try out the bounty!

  3. Pingback: Gluten Free Menu Swap Roundup for August 18th | Gluten Free [Cooking School]

  4. sea says:

    Menu sounds great! I need to check the Daring Baker challenge- I don’t even know what it is yet! haha… What a crazy month it has been. Chocolate cake looks sooo good!

    I just harvested the first tomatoes from my tomato plants- they’re so yummy and fresh.


  5. M-Elle says:

    yum, your cake looks delish!!! I’m thinking that I might have to make one for myself. Have a good week.

  6. Manda says:

    I can’t wait to start growing vegetables in my brand new home! I totally know how you feel since I attempted to grow lettuce here in the city but the moisture and poor soil killed my babies. I was so excited to see the little sprouts but I got very upset when they died.

    If you have any gardening tips, do share~ I’m all ears – of corn?..Bad joke..

  7. Gosh, I tried to grow corn last year and it was humorous…granted, I’m allergic to corn, it was for DH. But they shot up a foot, then stopped. I pulled the roots and they were infested by ants! gross.

    Best advice for growing: find an experienced gardener, and get them to show you the ropes. All climates are different. It’s still really hit or miss for me, but oh, do I love the whole process.

  8. Kim says:

    OMG…I must make that cake!! I am a serious chocoholic and that is seriously calling my name.

    Your menu looks great!


  9. Shellyfish says:

    I grew up gardening with my father…oh how I miss those days. I’ve been an apartment dweller for most of my adult life, so no garden – yours is fab!

  10. Jude says:

    Chocolate idiot cake? It looks like I need an engineering degree to make that thing.
    That menu is way too healthy for me. I may need to start smoking now.

  11. The chocolate cake really was a total looker, and everyone loved it!

    Shelly, I feel your pain. I feel so lucky to have space to garden! Maybe there’s a community garden plot?
    Jude, I didn’t name it, David Lebovitz did! the thought is that only an idiot could mess it up. I’m not sure I agree…but it turned out well despite the fact that I forgot to wrap the bottoms.

    Please don’t smoke! I promise I’ll eat more chocolate. =)

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