Menu Plan Monday–July 7th

Gluten Free Menu Swap MondayThis is my first time as the happy hostess of Menu Plan Monday, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to participate! Please email me at cheryl(at) eharrishome (dot) com with your entries.

And, by chance, if your menu involves dining out, I just put out a newsletter on Dining out GF.

The food of the week is raspberries. As you can see, I’m fortunate to have lovely raspberry plants, and this is one of their last weeks. However, the problem is my arrangement with the birds. See, I was quite naive and misguided and offered to share my berries, meaning they get half of the berries, I get half of the berries. However, they took my offer quite literally and have eaten half…of each berry. Neither DH nor I are crazy about eating berries that are partially pre-munched, so as of late, the berry patch has been largely for the birds. I’ve covered it with tulle and everything, but somehow they mange to wriggle their way in. Part of the problem is that there is a family of rabbits living in the maze of the canes, and they tend to move things around as they hop through. It’s not really a problem because the babies are too cute and I’m glad that they’ve been nesting at our house for the last 4 or 5 years. But I would like to get a larger share of the raspberries!

This will be a raspberry-heavy week for me! We had a raspberry tart, which is tasty, but not yet blog worthy. I plan to make almond cookies filled with chocolate and rasp jam from one of my favorite farmers, and will be using raspberries in the Chocolate Rosewater Parfait, too.

Lemony-thyme chicken kabobs with grilled sweet onions and peppers
Sorrel soup with a walnut “cream”
East Indian inspired:
Curry turkey cutlets with Cabbage Curry (Kobi Nu Shak) and plain papadams


Baked trout almondine with steamed broccoli


Southwestern Quinoa and Black Bean Salad

Spring rolls with Thai dipping sauce, grilled chicken skewers, Spiced black rice pudding (I will post the recipe this time!)

Weekly Harvest
From my garden:
Oregano, basil, thyme, etc.
Ground cherries

From the Farmer’s Market:

Raspberry Jam

Baked good of the week: Almond cookie variations–probably with raspberry jam, white chocolate, dark chocolate and dried orange.

And check out the plans around the web!

Kimberly, at Living Free of Gluten is joining us with a fabulous looking Blueberry/Raspberry Cobbler.  She’s got a fabulous menu of vegetarian treats, including a breakfast for dinner, which is a great one to have in the rotation.

Karen, of GF Sox Fan has been concentrating on blackberries rather than raspberries, and tempts us with the mention of Creme brulee, my DH’s fave!  Maybe she’ll share her recipe if we gently hint?  And she’s got a bunch of fun dishes on the menu, from an Asian slaw to Grilled Salmon Pizza.

Terri, of Faking it Gluten Free Style has a big week ahead of her.  She’s quitting smoking, starting South Beach, and has a lot of grilling in her forcast!  I’m delighted to hear her hubby will be back soon.

Great news from Manda!  She’s working on a GF cookbook, which should be awesome, given her passion for cultural cuisine.  Cooking has been a bit more difficult for her lately since she’s spending time with her grandma in the hospital, but she’s still managing to whip a great menu and is even trying swordfish.

Ester enjoys raspberries, too.  She’s got new raspberry canes, but I’m sure they’ll be huge in a few years!  There’s a chicken with walnuts and apricot dish on the menu that sounds delish.

Natalie, the Gluten Free Mommy and originator of this event ishas a great menu planned.  She and her gang had trip and area a little frazzled, but  with raspberry chicken and raspberry carrots to fit in with the ingredient of the week.  And the picture of her little guy is just too cute!

Mary Francis of Gluten Free Cooking School was ahead of schedule with her post (then I forgot…)  She’s got an Asian inspired menu in the works, and even has recipes and veg options for most days.

Angela of Angela’s Kitchen is a gardener, too, and has an abundance of zucchini.  She’s got a great looking menu and had me at home made gelato.  Yum!

M-Elle at Cooking and Uncooking has a gorgeous rasp shot, and a fun menu of largely raw dishes, like nori wraps and an avo-apple pudding.  I’m intrigued!

Head over and give Sally a little lovin’. She’s recovering from a surgery and still has an ambitious, healthy, locally grown menu planned, and as always, has a great outlook and attitude.

Oh, and hop on over…I’m hosting Adopt a GF blogger and Go ahead, honey. I was such a slacker about hosting that I volunteered for a few, and then it all ended up being in the same month or two…oops!  Chef Jenna is also hosting a great looking event “It’s all about memories“.  I think most of us GF folks have had to remake something from our childhood or culture. so it should be fun!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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8 Responses to Menu Plan Monday–July 7th

  1. Pingback: Gluten Free Goodness » Blog Archive » Chocolate Rose Parfait–Adopt a GF Blogger

  2. Pingback: Menu-Plan Monday, July 7, 2008 « Gluten Free Sox Fan’s Blog

  3. Manda says:

    Hey Cheryl, here’s my menu for the week.

    Thanks for hosting.

    Best wishes & much love,

  4. Pingback: This Week’s Meal Plan for Healing—Healthy, Local, Organic Foods

  5. I wish I could have included raspberries this week! Alas, I’ve not found any local ones yet this summer, though I did get my first batch of blackberries this week and am THRILLED to have those. Raspberries and blackberries are definitely two of my favorite foods.

    Thanks for hosting, Cheryl! I actually forgot to send you an email about my plan, so it’s not your email filter’s fault.

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