Coconut Carob Truffles:Adopt a GF Blogger

The timing for this worked perfectly. It’s over 100 degrees outside, a perfect day for a no-bake recipe. Additionally, I’m attending a conference in June, and they’ve challenged all participants to go grain free for a month (including quinoa and other pseudo grains). I’m currently on day 8, not that I’m counting. So Sheltie Girl’s (Natalie’s) Truffles saved the day!

I have enjoyed the Gluten a go go blog for quite some time. Natalie makes great use of a lot of unique flours and binders, which is awesome. Some, like mesquite, agave and chestnut, were already ‘loves’ of mine, but others, like chia, and sweet potato flour were inspired by her recipes.

Natalie is also a fellow Daring Baker, and it was great fun to bake with her and get her suggestion last time around. It’s clear her experimentation has made her quite an expert.

I did follow her recipe exactly, but made 4 mini batches, to give a wider variety of flavors. One batch used curry powder, another mesquite, another Ras el Hanout, and the last vanilla extract. And then within those, some got dried orange peel, some that got heath bar (NOT dairy free, but DH’s favorite) some plain, some nuts…and then they were rolled in carob powder, cinnamon and coconut flour, cocoa powder and powdered sugar, coconut powder and ras el hanout or nuts. No, it wasn’t as complicated as it sounds, and using the muffin tray made it a lot easier. It’s amazing how ambitious I can be when I know as soon as I finish, I have to file insurance claims. Anything but that…

The recipe worked marvelously! My husband remarked a few months ago that carob was something that he’d never eat. So obviously, I didn’t mention what he was eating, and asked what he thought and he said, yummy chocolate. Tee hee…

Due to allergies and such, I was limited to the carob and cinnamon covered curry and mesquite truffles, and I enjoyed both. I enjoyed the curry, but didn’t care for the mesquite (one of my variations, not Natalie’s). It just didn’t add much. Most of my tasters enjoyed the orange peel ones best, but they all disappeared quickly.

This adoption is part of the “Adopt a GF Blogger”, as started by Sea Maiden of Book of Yum. Our current fine host is Thomas, of the GFCF experience.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Coconut Carob Truffles:Adopt a GF Blogger

  1. Pingback: Gluten Free Goodness » Blog Archive » Menu Plan Monday–June 9th

  2. Seamaiden says:

    Oh YUM! I’ve looked at this exact recipe and even bought carob to make it and now I know I have to just go ahead and do it. Looks really yummy and I love your variations.


  3. carrie says:

    LOVE. LOVE. LOVE the plate Cheryl!!! I grew up with those plates and they are so cute and retro now!! I have my grandmother’s set of the same plates with the gold flowers and they are my favorites!!

    I love Natalie’s site too! Those truffles look DELISH!!

    I’m getting a post up SOON mentioning all those WONDERFUL goodies you gave me!! And here I thought I was just getting brownies!! Thank you SOOOOOOOO much Cheryl!! You made my week!

  4. Rachel says:

    Hi Cheryl:

    This food experiment looks beautiful and delicious. I’m bookmarking it for my own experimentation…

    FYI: As a former proofreader, I couldn’t help but notice that I think you are missing the word “not” in your blog subtitle. 🙂


  5. Brenda,
    Thanks! Natalie came up with a winner.

    Carrie: glad it came and glad you enjoyed!

    Rachel: (Cheryl hangs head sheepishly) I can’t believe I missed that. It’s fixed now, thanks so much for the heads up. I rarely think about what I CAN’T eat, because there are so many awesome things I can eat!

  6. Sheltie Girl says:

    Cheryl – I love your take on my truffles. The mesquite does sound interesting and I’m sorry it didn’t pack a punch. I love the sound of the orange peel…sounds simply yummy. When I was in college, there was a small candy shop downtown and they made the most fabulous homemade candied orange peel dipped in dark chocolate. I’d make the walk over there once a week to pick some up and then try to make my little bit last an entire week. What sweet torture…

    Thank you very much for adopting me Cheryl. You did a fabulous job on your truffles.

    Natalie @ Gluten a Go Go

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