July Self-Care Round up

Omini badgekay, this isn’t QUITE as overdue as it sounds, since we spilled over into the 1st week of August with Carrie’s post on meditation and mindfulness.

There were a lot of terrific posts in this retreat:

And, of course, I had a wonderful band of co-conspirators, who I appreciate greatly for making this event a regular part of my year!

June 28th:  Cheryl of Gluten-Free Goodness
July 6th: Valerie of City Life Eats
July 13th: Shirley of Gluten Free Easily (GFE)
July 20st: Iris of My Fairy Angel (you probably also know her from The Daily Dietribe)
July 27th Kate of Eat, Recycle Repeat
Aug 3rd Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl

As for my goals: to be totally honest, most fell by the wayside. I did meditate and post daily in our Facebook group, but there was so much going on that I didn’t have the opportunity to focus on ME. I’m definitely making up for that this month, thank goodness.


Drumroll please!

The winner of the Nuts.com gift certificate is reader Linda, who posted about her goals and then a follow up on her progress.

So…to each and every one of you, who participated by hosting, posting, reading, hanging out in our FB group, thank you for taking the time and taking good care of you. You’re well worth it.

We will be doing this again in December, and I look forward to you joining us then, too!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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One Response to July Self-Care Round up

  1. Congrats to Linda! Thanks to you and everyone who took part in this retreat. 🙂 It’s always a wonderful thing. Even when we participate in a minimal way, we’re better for it

    Thanks again, dear!

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