July Self-Care-Update from Linda

I know July is more or less over. But since Carrie is hosting next week (and because I’m behind on mini badgepretty much everything else!) we’ll be oozing on over into August.

Linda shared her goals with us a few weeks ago, and she sent me an update:

“It’s been interesting reading the posts. We took a few little getaways and I’m now catching up on what was written last week and this week. Valerie wrote about drinking more water and that is something that resonates for me! While in the car and out and about, it’s easy to let it slide. I find drinking enough water easier when I’m working and my schedule is predictable.

I appreciate Iris’s post about connecting to within, to our soul, and operating from there. It makes sense and I find it inspiring!

Now that we’re this far into July, I see that while I’ve kept up with my morning Reiki, I’m not always taking those full breaths during the day. At least I’m more aware of it and am breathing more deeply some of the time!

I have been “accomplishing” less. Even though I’m on my summer break and not at work, there are so many things I can be doing, and I’m deliberately choosing how to spend my time. So, yes, our garden, that takes up the whole front yard and most of the backyard and can be a never ending job, is more neglected than in past summers. Ironically, when I let my “inner voice” guide me, I manage to do the things that need to be done. I’m learning to be satisfied with what I do do. This is easy to do now that I’m on holidays from work. Once I’m back in the classroom it’s a whole different story!

My husband’s taking his vacation time now. We’re having lots of laughs! I haven’t spent time with our neighbor’s dog three times a week and have missed her. I think I’ll see if she’s available now!”

Cheryl’s note: I LOVE the concept of accomplishing less. It’s the execution that I sometimes struggle with…maybe for our next retreat!

Linda adds ” One of the most important things I’ve learned is how to look after myself emotionally. This isn’t something we’re taught by our parents or in school. Self-care is essential in keeping us “balanced”, I think.”

So true! Can you imagine what life would be like if we learned self-care in kindergarten? We can dream!

Our fantastic group of bloggers:

My Self-Care Goals 2013 GF Goodness

Guest Post from Linda on Self-Care

July Self-Care Goals on City|Life|Eats

Wrap up and July Challenge on Eat, Recycle, Repeat

13 Self-Care Lessons from the Masters GF Goodness

Guest post from Linda

Debi of Hunter’s Lyoness on Unconditional love

City Life Eats on Infusing some new into yoga

Iris of Daily Dietribe on Letting Go

Cheryl of GF Goodness (me!) on Re-Writing the Story

Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl on Emotional and Spiritual Growth

Kate of Eat Recycle Repeat on “How to Surrender”

Cheryl of GF Goodness (Me!) on Depression and Self Care


About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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