Menu Plan Monday Dec 14th

As the holiday season gets busier, it’s more important for me to hang on and plan so that we’re actually eating meals.  Please do check out my holiday GF newsletter, which includes a list of 50+ naturally GF desserts.

fudgeIt was a busy week of baking, as usual around this time of year.  Best of all there is Chocolate Chestnut Fudge which is one of my all time favorites because it is super easy and super yummy and a way to recreate that amazing chocolat-y goodness minus the HFCS, sugar and marshmallows.  Try it.  Seriously.

But I tend to overdo things, so for gifts there will be:

This way, there will be boxes that are dairy free and ones that are sugar free  and all, of course, will be gluten free.

Our kind hostess this week is Heather of Celiac Family, who always delights with her recipes and great info.  She chose cinnamon, which I put in many things.  It gives depth to chocolate, which is why it appears in the fudge, but it also helps stabilize blood sugar in addition to just being yummy.  And somehow I think I’m going to need my blood sugar stabilized this week. 😎

Monday:Turkey and celery in chestnut sauce

Tuesday: Quinoa Italiana with the few tomatoes left in my sunroom

Weds: Salmon and roasted thyme peppers

Thursday: Chicken in a coconut curry sauce with broccoli

Friday leftovers!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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One Response to Menu Plan Monday Dec 14th

  1. Heather says:

    Your menu sounds great, but those treats look so tempting. I was going to make some meringue cookies this week, but now I may have to make some fudge, too. 🙂

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