Menu Plan Monday-Raspberries!

I love raspberries, and I didn’t know it for years. It was only once I grew them that I realized that, in fact, they’re awesome. I grew them for DH, now most of them make it to my mouth. We’ve finally gotten enough canes to have a nice big crop, so there’s plenty to go around. And it works beautifully, really. It’s so nice to go outside and be able to have some luscious berries! The birds have not yet pillaged; I’m crossing my fingers that they just somehow don’t notice. I do cover the canes with tulle, but it doesn’t work that well when they’re sufficiently motivated.

This week I posted a roundup of recipes for Sea’s Yum-e-baby shower. Check it out and wish the new momma to be good luck!

I’ve also posted “Gluten Free on the Go“, this month’s edition of my GF newsletter. I’m holding a class on Healthy GF eating on June 27th, so if you’re in the area, you should come! Much fun will be had by all.

Also, pretty please sign up to host Menu Plan Mondays! I do love seeing all of the menus, and would love more host/hostesses. Just drop me a line at cheryl (at) eharrishome (dot) com.

Quinoa with garden fresh herbs and Kalamata olives

Grilled turkey breast with grilled herb-y peppers

Chicken in a minty sauce with asparagus (if I can find some!!!)


Avocado and chickpea crackers. I promise I’ll post the recipe this week
Baked kale chips

Beef in a coconut curry sauce and cumin roasted cauliflower with lemongrass tea

Baked good:

I’m testing one of Sally’s recipes, and I’m sure it’ll be a winner! I’ll post more when I can.
Chickpea crackerseplate

From my garden:

  • Raspberries, of course
  • Thyme, mint, rosemary, stevia, parsley, and a little arugula
  • Garlic scapes
  • Blueberries (not many)
  • Lemon grass
  • garlic
  • spring onions

From the market

  • Asparagus (fingers crossed)
  • Kale
  • Apples–I bought gobs of goldrush (my favorite) stored from last year’s harvest.
  • Carrots
  • Rhubarb

Sea of Book of Yum checks in with an ambitious menu, especially considering she’s in her 3rd trimester (yay Sea!).  She shares an adapted recipe for cornbread madeleines.  I love the idea of a red pepper version!

Esther shares a picture of her adorable little munchkin.  She loves raspberries, but they’re not quite in season yet over the other side of the pond.  However, she still had a great day of berry picking!  She’s got a lot of rhubarb-rich recipes on the menu, and I’d love to hear how they turn out.

Kim has been out of town for a few weeks for a fun trip with her family and so she’s trying to reorient herself.  She’s got a great menu planned, including Thai Chili salmon, which sounds incredible.

Wendy of Celiacs in the house tempts us greatly with the strawberry tart.  How can you go wrong there?  and she points out that as long as something is delicious, we should be able to go free form and not worry about jagged edges.  Hear, hear!

Heather joins us with a berry fruit salad for Father’s day, which sounds yummy.  And do check out her past entries for Sea’s Shower, they are just about the cutest things I’ve seen!

Elizabeth has a nice article on almost meatless meals on her site.  I love the idea, money wise, health wise and environment wise.  As always, she has a varied international menu planned.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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17 Responses to Menu Plan Monday-Raspberries!

  1. seamaiden says:

    What a lovely raspberry photo! Your menu sounds great and I love all the fresh produce coming up.

    Here’s my menu for this week:

    Wish i could pitch in with the menu swap, but this week will be insane… with little hope of things quieting down for a while. *sigh* Hope you get lots of response!


  2. Shellyfish says:

    Raspberries! I just love them, sure wish I had some growing in my garden. Wait, I don’t have a garden! Avacado & chickpea crackers? I’m curious…

  3. Esther says:

    I wish the raspberries were ready here. here is my post

    Feel free to put me down to host again.

  4. Kim says:

    Here is my post:

    I just bought some raspberries yesterday! I love them in yogurt, cereal, salads, ice cream and alone. YUM!!!

    Thanks for hosting!

  5. Pingback: Menu Plan ~ June 14, 2009 « Gluten-free is Life

  6. Sea–I’m amazed you’ve been blogging as much as you have with so much going on! No worries.

    Shelly–no garden? get cracking on that, woman!

    Esther–I’ve got an early cultivar. Most raspberries won’t be out for a month here, too.

    Kim–I agree, I could eat raspberries with almost anything. they’re so good!

  7. Cheryl
    We love raspberries. This week on a strawberry curd(homemade from farmers’ market strwberries) tart.
    Here’s the plan
    Thanks for hosting. Can’t wait to see your cracker recipe.

  8. Pingback: Menu Plan June 15

  9. Heather says:

    Thanks, as always, for hosting. The baby shower for Sea was fun, too!
    Here’s my menu plan for the week:

  10. ElizabethG says:

    Hi Cheryl, can you believe raspberries are one of about 2 foods that my husband refuses to eat! From the farmers market, I have nectarines this week. Here’s my menu plan for this week, thanks as always for hosting:

    Menu Plan for Week of June 14, 2009

  11. Kimberly says:

    Hi Cheryl,
    Can’t wait to see your cracker recipe:) Your menu looks great as usual.
    I wanted to let you know that I am having a give away on my blog tomorrow that you might be interested in. Hope you can stop by!

  12. Esther says:

    Put me down for blackcurrants (or red or white or Josha berries for that matter) I’m hoping there will be some ready by next week .. so currants.. not the dried type which are grapes 🙂

  13. Wendy-you have me drooling!

    Heather-thanks for sending in such cute entries for Sea’s Shower

    Elizabeth–No raspberries? bummer! I wish we had nectarines, though.

    Kimberly–thanks for the reminder!

    Esther–got it!

  14. Pingback: Menu Plan for Week of June 14, 2009 | Modern Gal

  15. Found you on Twitter… Awesome menu plan. Please consider joining in the Menu Plan Blog Roll at Would LOVE to have you. Cheers! @bjenna

  16. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – June 16, 2009 « Angela’s Kitchen

  17. The picture of the raspberries looks delicious!! I love fresh fruit, especially in the summer! Raspberries are definitely one of my favorites as well!

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