Menu Plan Monday August 25th

This is huge for me.  I loathed eggplant as a kid.  My family loved it, and as any of you who have kids (or have been a kid) know, the more someone pushes you to eat something, the more you detest it.   Eggplant and okra were the only veggies that I refused to eat because of taste.  However, our fine host for MPM this week, Fresh Ginger, has chosen eggplant as the ingredient of the week.  I felt like this was a good opportunity to reevaluate my (lack of) relationship with eggplant.  I’ll keep you posted.

BTW, I’m also giving away some fun stuff (Larabars, Salba, cookies, etc)

Out for a belated celebration of DH’s 30th B-day.  Here’s a picture of his birthday chocolate cashew mini-tart (gluten free, of course).  He’s eating it as I type and hasn’t paused yet.  I assume that means it’s good. 😎

Millet-thyme crusted turkey cutlets (didn’t get to them last week!)
roasted eggplant with thyme

Tomato soup with caramelized onions and cashew cream (will post later this week for this edition of GAHIGF), focusing on seasonal veggies

Salmon and roasted marinated peppers

East indian
Beef curry, papadams and caramelized cabbage with chaat masala

Baked good of the week:

Caramel-y quinoa cookies
Rosemary cake (maybe)

From my garden:

ground cherries

From the market:

more tomatoes

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 Responses to Menu Plan Monday August 25th

  1. Pingback: Fresh Ginger » Menu of the week August 25th Eggplant, the King of Vegetables!

  2. Shellyfish says:

    Everything sounds delicious! I need to really plan out my meals for the week…I always get distracted when I go to the marché and never stick to my plan!

  3. Manda says:

    Caramel-ish Quinoa Cookies…-droooool.-

    I got so miffed when my BF ate caramels and I can’t because of the dairy – curses! I oughta make something like that and give him none.


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