Happy almost summertime! I love seeing my garden grow, and I’m in the excited anticipation phase. I’ve learned, from past experience, that all it takes is one big fat groundhog to clear out my garden overnight, but fingers crossed that I’ll actually get to enjoy some of the bounty.

First! Above, some beautiful carrots, and a little onion, too.
I’ve also already pulled a lot of garlic up, and gotten a bunch of scapes, too.
My blackberries are just coming up. I’ve already eaten 3…but gobbled them before I took a picture! Lots more to come. Unless the birds get them first.
The kale plants are doing well, although I’ve got fewer than usual this year. The plant to the left is a potato plant.
There are also green beans on the way! So very exciting.
The tomatoes are still in progress, and some of the garlic is still happily growing. So far, mostly leaves and buds. But I can wait.
and saving the best for last, I planted a grape vine last year on a lark, and didn’t expect much. Turns out I’ve got grapes! They’re not anywhere near ripe yet, but I’m still really excited.
Need some inspiration for veggie recipes? I just posted a few here.