Not really gratefuls: Day 29

Gotta love it when my own advice comes to bite me in the tush.

To be totally honest, I’m not feeling very grateful around now…I’m having a round of “medical mystery mess” and it’s extremely physically and emotionally uncomfortable. So is my dental work in progress. While I can acknowledge the good (my sweetie, my kittehs, that this happens less often than it used to) and the wonderful gifts in my life (my vision, my walking, greater strength, wonderful people around me) I’m just not feelingOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA it.

You can cultivate an attitude of appreciation, and I think I often do. I think writing these posts makes me more aware of looking for the good, and I know it’s possible to find the beautiful moments in the middle of the mess.

But posting today on gratitude…not so much. Yes I could easily write something up and post it, but I don’t wanna! In some ways, I feel better knowing I don’t have to. Maybe I’ll just schedule in a make-up day later on.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Not really gratefuls: Day 29

  1. carrie says:

    I can relate to this so much cheryl. I don’t know if it’s the post-holiday blues in my case, but I can relate to those feelings of frustration and being down my inner 3 year old has been saying “I don’t wanna” a whole lot the past few days. (((Hugs)))

  2. Jaye says:

    Cheryl, here’s your ‘gratitude attitude’ lift (I hope): I needed to read your blog today to realize that just because I say “I don’t wanna” express anything profound about gratitude, it doesn’t make me less than I was, am, or will be . . .The Universe knows this and He’s the Big Boss and if he is okay with a ‘temper tantrum’ now and then , well . . .let’s have it . . . He knows, I know and you know it’s just a small moment in a whole lot of good moments . . . Add my hugs to Carrie’s and then growl a bit, then deep breaths . . .

  3. Thanks, Carrie! The holidays can be draining on all of us for sure.

    Jaye, how beautiful! I love that perspective, and I appreciate you taking the time to post. Hugs right back.

  4. We feel what we feel. To deny that would be wrong and counterproductive. It does not take away from your overall attitude of gratitude at all. You’ve shared so many wonderful posts of gratitude this month, Cheryl. Thank you for them, but big hugs to you as you go through these continued issues!


  5. pamela says:

    Thanks so much, Cheryl. It is so true that some days we simply can’t be or do what we imagined. You, of course, know that doesn’t define us, but it does often make us doubt ourselves. Your willingness to share your moments does so much for others.

    Much love, Pamela

  6. Shirley,
    I appreciate the reality check and the hugs.

    It’s so easy to doubt, and I appreciate you saying that!

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