100 Best GF Recipes and a Giveaway

The brain of a baker is different from a normal person.  It’s a proven fact.  You give a normal person a cookbook, and they take a look.  If you give a baker a cookbook, especially a hot off the presses pre-released gluten free cookbook, they will cackle with glee, drool over the pages and run home to start baking.

Or at least that’s my theory, based on my observations thus far…of myself.

So, I plan to make at least 3 recipes from the book this week.  And I plan to give away a bottle of Salba, because she uses chia in at least one of the recipes. Salba and chia are great for you and fabulous vegan egg substitutes.

If you’d like to win, leave a comment by August 12th or share this giveaway on your blog/website.  And US only…the shipping charges get a bit excessive for something that weighs this much.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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11 Responses to 100 Best GF Recipes and a Giveaway

  1. Kelly Michelle says:

    That cookbook looks like fun! I would love to win!

  2. Cathy says:

    I really need all the help I can get with multiple sensitivities and to gluten.
    I need a cookbook to tell me what to eat and how to prepare it.
    I would love this cookbook…because I’m hungry….Thank You.

  3. Kelly, Cathy,
    The giveaway is for salba, not the cookbook! I’m having way too much fun with that right now. I will have to change the post to make it clearer.

  4. I’ve been wondering what Salba was; now I feel really stupid to find out its simply a brand name for a kind of chia seed. (insert sheepish grin) I would love to win some.

  5. Kathleen O'Brien says:

    I would love to get some Salba to try, I have only been GF for a few months and am on the path to transition from vegetarian to vegan so this would be a great addition to my pantry 🙂

  6. Kim says:

    I just got the cookbook as well and am drooling! Love it!

  7. Hi Holly–
    Many people don’t realize they’re from the same plant! But salba does seem to have some nutritional advantages, according to the company.

    It’s a great addition to any vegan kitchen!

  8. Pingback: Carol Fenster’s Recipes–Part 1 | Gluten Free Goodness

  9. Colleen says:

    Finding new recipes is always something I am looking for. Would love to win!

  10. courtney says:

    Would love to win! 🙂

    courtneyscontemplations AT yahoo DOT com

  11. Jenn/CinnamonQuill says:

    Oooo, please sign me up; I’ve always wanted to try salba!

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