Menu Plan Monday, Oct 11th–Apples!

applesI’m delighted to be hostessing again with one of my very favorites: apples!  As a NY’er from birth, apples are clearly near and dear to my heart.  It’s been hard to adjust to VA apples, but hey, a gal’s gotta do what a gal’s got to do!

There has been little baking at Chez flutterHarris as one of our kitties was in the hospital and I got in a minor car accident.  Happily, all is well on all fronts, even if we are a bit dazed and confused (and lighter in the wallet).  And it helps us remember what really matters. But meals will be simple to promote the return of sanity

My garden is alive and well due to the mild weather, and I’ve even been getting quite a few visitors to the butterfly bush.

Also, PLEASE sign up to host! yes, you.

So onwards to the food:


Grilled peppers and rubbed chicken

Sauteed kale and Kalamata olives

Turkey and celery in chestnut sauce

Veggies in a sunflower curry sauce


Kitchen fun:
apple crumble!!

From my garden:

Wendy of Celiacs in the House teases us with the promise of a GF apple cake.  That must be one of my all time favorites!  She’s trying to get back to planning, since her hubby is back home and she’s got hungry teens to feed.

Heather of Celiac Family has puposas and avocado salsa on the line up.  YUM!!!  She also had some nice posts up about Halloween, so check those out.

Kim has been having a hard week, so let’s all send a collective hug in her direction.  She’s got pumpkin baked ziti on the menu, which sounds delish.

Debbie joins us from Green V neck and she’s got Singapore noodles on the menu.  I’m intrigued.  She also has a few birthday celebrations (her twins turning 16!)  What a milestone!

Elizabeth of A modern gal shares her menu.  She, too, is a fan of Honeycrisp.  She’s got a few crockpot dishes and chili in the lineup that sound perfect for the chilly weather.

Jo ann joins us for a grain free week with some of recipes from Elana’s new cookbook.  Yum!  She’s also got chili on the menu and grain free pizza.

Scrumptious of In my box has a bean heavy week planned.  I’d never heard of 5 spices, 50 dishes, but it sounds like a great book and the chocolate pumpkin loaf sounds delish!

Esther of Lilac Kitchen has some lovely pictures of beetroot and plans to go scrumping for apples.  Esther was kind enough to elaborate on scrumping–essentially grabbing apples on abandoned land, which sure makes more sense to me than having them go to waste!

What a great lineup of menus!  Thanks all for participating, and have a great week.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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14 Responses to Menu Plan Monday, Oct 11th–Apples!

  1. Cheryl, great timing with the apple theme. They are soooo good right now at the farmers’ market.

  2. Deb says:

    Oh, wow, I’d love to hear more about the sunflower curry sauce, that sounds right up my alley! I bought a packaged crumble topping made by Gluten-Free Pantry to make apple crumble this week; I know it’s easy to make a crumble topping myself, but I’m out of gf oats.

    My menu is here:

    Thanks for hosting!

  3. ElizabethG says:

    I am also interested in the sunflower curry sauce. Apples and pears are fabulous right now. We’re having lots in salads and for snacks.

    My menu is up: Menu Plan for Week of Oct 11

  4. Wendy:
    yep, nothing nicer than apple season!

    Deb and Liz,
    the curry sauce is from the spice and herb bible (which I LOVE), just with sun butter ’cause I can’t eat peanut.

  5. Esther says:

    here is my menu.. apples are all over the place this time of year

  6. Esther says:

    I have updated my post to explain scrumping. Also add me in the hosting list for the next open slot, put me down for dried fruit.

  7. Scrumptious says:

    Delicious menu as always Cheryl! That sunflower curry sounds incredible. Thank you so much for hosting and organizing the menu swap. Here is my post:

  8. Pingback: Still crazy for pulses on a vegan, gluten-free Menu Plan Monday « In My Box

  9. Pingback: Menu Plan for the Week of October 11, 2009 | Modern Gal

  10. Esther–
    thanks for the info!

    love all of the beans, and will have to check out that boo!

  11. Scrumptious says:

    Oh yes, Cheryl, please do – 5 Spices, 50 Dishes is one of my favorite cookbooks. I’ve made almost every vegetarian recipe in there, and there are plenty. I bet the meaty ones are equally easeful and delicious.

    I actually wondered what I had originally written about the cookbook so I clicked on the link to my blog from your post and it goes to Kim’s blog! Here’s the link to mine:

  12. JoAnn says:

    Wonderful menu plan, Cheryl! I’m always up for curry!

    Love your theme too….I just didn’t have anything with apples on my original menu. But now I’m starting to feel inspired to make an apple tart! 🙂

  13. Pam says:

    So glad you are okay and kittie too!

  14. Scrumptious:
    whoops! I will fix asap

    yay apple tart! I say go for it.

    thankfully, houdini and I have both bounced back, and my car will be ready to roll again soon. I’m very grateful.

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