Menu Plan Monday: Avocado!


Just as I’m about to sit out another menu plan, someone picks one of my favorite foods and so I *have* to play.  I love avocados: their decadent rich moist flavor, their portability, their yumminess!  They’re amazing on salads, perfect with soup, great as guac, and fabulous as desserts.

This is how an avocado (ok, an avocado face) ended up as a logo for my nutrition practice

Here are a few of my recipes with avocado:

Southwestern Quinoa and Bean Salad

Chocolate Banana Pudding

My birthday celebration didn’t quite go as planned. A tick decided I was tasty, and it’s really sapped my energy. Hopefully I found it in time and I’ll be as good as new soon (fingers crossed)

Don’t forget! Sea’s yum-e-baby shower is soon, so please send along your recipes and good wishes for Sea and her little darling.

Oh yeah–if you’re interested in hosting, please drop me a line.
out in WV with my sweetie, who knows what we’ll be eating.

Tues: Chickpea crackers with avocado slices and cherry tomatoes a ginormous pineapple

Wed: Something from my freezer, TBD

Thursday: Coconut beef curry with cauliflower

Friday: Salmon and grilled peppers

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Menu Plan Monday: Avocado!

  1. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – May 25, 2009 « Angela’s Kitchen

  2. Angela says:

    I can’t wait to try the recipes you linked. so yummy! I am really intrigued by the pudding. Sounds good.

    I will get my post up for Sea this week. That is so fun! What a thoughtful idea.

    Your menu sounds great. Do you make your own chickpea crackers? And curry; gotta put that on the menu next week. We haven’t had it for a bit and we love it.

    I hope you are getting your energy back quickly. Have a good week!

  3. Kimberly says:

    I also love avocado! That pudding sounds really interesting. Maybe I’ll give that a try today:)

    Hope your tick bite doesn’t turn into anything more! It’s a bummer not to feel good on your b-day.

  4. Angela,
    Yes, I make the chickpea crackers and hopefully will post soon.

    the writing is on the wall for me “bug wise”, but I’m starting to feel better and will be really good about checking for ticks from now on….

  5. Ricki says:

    One of my very favorite foods. 🙂 And that is THE CUTEST logo!

  6. Karen says:

    I love some avocados too! I like them in chicken salad, and in my homemade Mexican Seafood soup, but mostly I love guacamole. mmmm, good.

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