Menu Plan Monday-Back to School

But I don’t wanna go back to school!  I like the long days of summer And I’m not ready for the summer to be over yet!  And yet Angela of Angela’s Kitchen has us looking ahead, which is probably a good idea for those of us who suffer from ostrich syndrome (AKA when there is something you don’t want to see ahead, bury your head in the sand.  I recently learned this is a myth).  I enjoy summer, or more specifically, love the freedom of warmer weather, a season where I can grow veggies, and of course, all of the sunshine.  And less traffic.  Dear Lord, whoever is gone, please let them stay somewhere on vacation for the next year and off the Beltway.  Pretty please? Or please make my car fly. Either/or, I’m flexible.

But I digress.  It’s been a busy week with the new proposed GF labeling comment period out.  I have some of my thoughts here, and I’ve updated the post as I’ve done more reading and digging.  At this point, I have more questions than answers!  I also adopted the lovely Diane of The WHOLE Gang, and made her rockin’ roasted chickpeas.  I finally posted the last week of our Self-Care Retreat on Creativity.  Valerie and I will be getting out the roundup soon.

It will be an interesting week–E is out of town, so I usually don’t do as much cooking and rely more on beans, salads, etc.  But I have 2 cookbooks to review, so I need to get cracking on those soon!

Nightshade stew w/avocado The olives really make the meal!

Sauteed garlic and mache w/white beans

Baby greens herb salad with salmon

Alta’s Quinoa pizza

Hmmm…Mr. Dude will be home by then. Maybe a dish from Gluten Free Asian Kitchen? I need to write a review!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to Menu Plan Monday-Back to School

  1. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – August 8, 2011 | Angela's Kitchen

  2. Your menu sounds FABULOUS! I love mache (the kids and I snack on it while weeding the garden – it’s one “weed” that I encourage. LOL!) I will have to try it sauted with garlic. Hope you have a lovely week.

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