Menu Plan Monday Sept 29th

My mini pumpkins still have a few weeks to grow, but they look like they’ll be here in perfect timing for Halloween. They’re minis, so much too small to carve.

The food of the week is almonds, as chosen by Kimberly of Living Free.  Like Kimberly, I’m currently grain free again, which is a pain in the neck.  Enough said.  But I’m jazzed that she’s chosen almonds! I have a few almond recipes planned, and I’m quite an avid almond eater. I use almond meal and flour a good bit in my baking, and just pulled Apple date bars out of the oven, which are made with almond meal. My only complaint with almond flour is that it’s so dense and filling that I usually get full very quickly and can’t eat much of the final product.

This week, I posted my Daring baker recipe for flatbread crackers. They are super yummy, and I had a lot of fun making them! Another post was a recipe for a cross between salsa and guac, which was perfect on the crackers.
I also made Ricki’s Frosted Banana Bars into mini bites, which were delicious and adorable.

This weekend has been very busy, and much of next weekend will be busy, too. I’m teaching a gluten free class in Alexandria, which is always great fun, and I’ve been squeezing in time to volunteer to register voters, too. BTW, if you haven’t registered and you live in the US, NO EXCUSES!!!! um, unless you can’t vote for some reason, in which case, you’re excused. 😎 Anyhow, here’s the plan:

Apple date bars for snack
Quinoa with homemade basil (it didn’t happen last week)

Chicken curry with papadams and a TBD veg
Happy Rosh Hashana: Apples dipped in agave/almond caramel (the closest I’m getting to apple in honey at this point)

Roast turkey with celery in a chestnut sauce

Leftovers with sauteed fennel

Thai inspired:
Chicken in a Thai Pepper sauce with broccoli


Here, fishy:
Halibut with parsley/hazelnut pesto

Cooking projects:

The apple date bars are still cooling, but hopefully they’ll be good
Agave “caramel” using almond milk

From my garden:

a LOT of tomatoes
assorted herbs

From the Farmer’s market:
Peaches–last ones!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 Responses to Menu Plan Monday Sept 29th

  1. Ricki says:

    Glad you liked the banana bars! Yours are so little and cute 😉

    I’m also an almond fan. Sorry you’re off grains for now–at least you’ll be getting healthy fats and calcium courtesy of the almonds! 🙂

  2. sea says:

    How cute are your little baby pumpkins! Love them!

    Everything looks and sounds great. Gotta check out your crackers. Too much was going on to make the Daring Baker challenge this month- but maybe I’ll get them made late… *sigh*


  3. Shellyfish says:

    Those mini-pumpkins are too cute! And yeah for almonds – they are the best, really.

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