Chocolate. A Gluten-free Menu Plan for Nov 8th

The picture may not be clear, but it’s a good indicator of a great day when you get a box and it say “chocolate” under “declare contents”.  This was a gift from Ricki of Diet Dessert and Dogs, and oh my, did it make my month.

Chocolate is the theme for this week, and I posted the best chocolate ganache ever…it’s heavenly silky, rich, truffle-esque and gluten and sugar free. Go on, check it out!

It’s part of my two part “Sweet treats” series. The first was a lucious sugar free vegan caramel dip, which is just fantastic, and I finally got a better shot.

So what a week it’s been (besides the food!).  An article I co-wrote on Celiac and Thyroid Disease is now published, I posted a gluten-free turkey list updated for 2010 and I have a very exciting project coming up this Friday–filming a video on Celiac Disease, with a small segment on gluten intolerance, too.  If you’re in the DC area and interested in coming, please do email me!

Okay, food.

getting DH to take me out to dinner (I hope!) E, if you’re reading this, consider it a not so subtle hint.

White beans with turkey, broccoli and pesto (super easy and yummy)

Salmon salad

Southwestern Quinoa/black bean Salad


filming…so I’ll be focused on that, and food will be an afterthought.

Fun treats:
Apple butter, made from local apples, which is cooking as we speak. Yay crockpot!
E’s cake (AKA chocolate hazelnut torte)
Apple Crisp
and whatever else inspires me….

Everyone else?

Heather of Celiac Family has a nice chocolate roundup, and do check out her chocolate covered macadamia nuts. She’s got pizza on the menu with her son’s request.

Wendy of Celiacs in the House
has beautiful pictures, as usual, and a great review review of of the Hassleback/Green interview with a gorgeous list of yummy, naturally gluten free veggies that her family wolfs down on a weekly basis. She’s got minestrone on the menu, and I’d love to stop by!

GFree Mom has an inventory of what she made, and what she didn’t. Hmmm…wonder what mine would look like! She’s got a beautiful picture of fish soup, which looks incredible, and sounds perfect as things get chilly.
Dianne reminds us that chocolate doesn’t always mean sweets, sometimes it means mole! Stop by and visit her at Wheat Free Family, especially ’cause she’s joining us for the first time.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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7 Responses to Chocolate. A Gluten-free Menu Plan for Nov 8th

  1. My post is up:
    Communicating with your spouse through the blog–I know it well. 🙂 Thanks for hosting and enjoy that imported chocolate.

  2. Pingback: Gluten-Free Meal Plan for a Week

  3. Ricki says:

    Of course, you had me at, “chocolate”! 😉 Love, love the sound of your ganache. And CONGRATS

  4. Ricki says:

    OOoops, a little too enthusiastic with the “Post Comment” button, there! See, I was just SO EXCITED about your article being published! Congrats (again)! Who knew that celiac could masquerade as thyroid disease? And that the thyroid problems could go away once the celiac was treated?? I bet that is great news for a lot of people. Hope you have a delicious dinner tonight. 😉

  5. Scrumptious says:

    The ganache and caramel both look pretty amazing! Congrats on the article and the filming, and thanks for being such an educator and advocate about CD and gluten intolerance.

    Thanks for hosting again this week! I hope tonight’s dinner out is wonderful…

    My menu plan for the swap is here:

  6. Sounds like you have a full week ahead! The video sounds really interesting. Where will it be published?

    Thanks heaps for including me in this round up.

    Nicola xo

  7. Wendy–Subtle hints sometimes do wonders. And of course, the chocolate was fantastic!

    Ricki–thanks! I’m totally excited about it, too, and the research fascinates me.

    Scrumptious–Eek, I missed your post, I’ll add you into the roundup. So sorry!

    Nicola–it’ll be published online and I’ll share more.

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